QUALITY SERVICE - We offer attachment monitoring system Baby Safe to those buyers nominated our products. Baby Safe works with our automatic attaching machine that able to alert the operator when it detects prongs leg in/ leg out problem or setting pinch problem during attachment. All operation data from the Baby Safe is further transferred to our technical data bank on daily base.
TECHNICAL SERVICE - We offer on-site quality control training on attached garment process, we train the QC staff in the garment factory on monitoring the attachment quality by using appropriated apparatus and data recording method, hence to strengthen the records traceability for quality and improvement purpose.
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - We offer our customer with premium product, our DM 1020 system ensures the production process and the products are well qualified supplied to the market.
MECHANICAL SERVICE - We offer mechanical service by supplying attaching machine and service technician to our customer, the well trained technician solve the mechanical issue and provide training on quality issues in snaps attachment.